To create a segment, follow these steps:
- Go to Contacts / Segments / Create new
- Give your segment a name and then click Save Segment
- On the Segments list page, choose Set criteria from the Choose action... drop-down menu (for the segment you created)
- On the Segment Criteria page, choose Add a criterion from the I want to... drop-down menu
- Select the appropriate Match Type and complete all other conditions as necessary (Note: Checking the All contacts must match option excludes contacts who do not match the criterion even if they match the other criteria in the segment.)
- Click the Add Criterion button (and you may then proceed adding another criterion)
There are two ways to filter your contacts list to show only those that fall under a specific segment:
- When on the Contacts list page, choose In segment from the Filter drop-down menu. Then choose the name of the segment from the [Please choose] drop-down menu that will appear beside it.
- When on the Segments list page, choose Apply from the Choose action... drop-down menu.
For more information on segments, you may visit the online manual.